Categoria: Others

  • Back in Istanbul

    Back in Istanbul

    Finally I’m back in Istanbul and I’m in the mood to write on my blog again. The rule is that after 5 years of residence in a Country you put roots. All Companies say that, but I was hardly beleiving it before experiencing on myself. After over 7 years I was feeling so bad out […]

  • Angela is graduating

    Angela is graduating

    This moment is so important and worth an article on this blog. I will not write much more, just wish Angela the best luck for her future.

  • Angela’s first job, congratulations!

    Angela’s first job, congratulations!

    Angela had the first, positive interview and got a job! She did all by herself, no help from me or anybody else. Her professor informed her about the opening, just as it happened to me many years ago… I wish you the best future and a successful carrier.

  • Remembering Paolo

    Remembering Paolo

    Today is June 6, birthday of Paolo Grossi prematurely gone in 2005 just before being 45. Paolo was born in 1960 and I met him first in the early 70s as the little brother of my girl friend. Victim of alchool very young he came out of the addiction thanks to Alchoolicos Anonimous. Since then […]

  • Remembering Federico

    Remembering Federico

    These few lines are ment to remember Federico Pecorini, a colleague who left us prematurely. Yesterday evening I had the news and tonight I dreamed about him. I like to think that he came to say good bye for the last time. I remember him when recently joining the Company was sitting in Fabriano offices […]

  • Cose viste

    Cose viste

    Cose viste di Ugo Ojetti Mondadori, 1960 (ed.completa) Avagliano 2003 (antologia) 296 pp. 11 euro Un testo letterario può avere validità e significato sotto vari aspetti. C’è il valore letterario tout court, ma sicuramente in molti casi c’è anche il valore documentale, relativo a come l’autore ha cercato di tracciare il proprio ritratto personale di […]

  • Ugo Ojetti principe del Gusto

    Ugo Ojetti principe del Gusto

    Riporto un articolo del Corriere della Sera su Ugo Ojetti ed i commenti di alcuni lettori. 25/06/2010 Ugo Ojetti principe del gusto Scritto da: Dino Messina alle 16:28 Da domani al 12 settembre in mostra al Centro Matteucci per l’Arte Moderna di Viareggio Capolavori della collezione Ojetti, “Da Fattori a Casorati”. La mostra è un […]

  • Shoes


    Today I decided to clean up my shoe rack. Too many shoes I thought , let’s throw away those I don’t use anymore. Looks easy but’s it is not. Nowadays we have many shoes, and we wear a different pair every day. So they last long time. Some of my shoes are even 20 years […]

  • The nature is like this

    The nature is like this

    Today I went to the home of my parents with Ugo my brother to share their things. Obviously it has been very sad. There was also a letter for us from my mother. She wrote it in 1994, and said we should open it after both of them would be dead. We did it today. […]