Remembering Paolo

Remembering Paolo

Today is June 6, birthday of Paolo Grossi prematurely gone in 2005 just before being 45.
Paolo was born in 1960 and I met him first in the early 70s as the little brother of my girl friend.
Victim of alchool very young he came out of the addiction thanks to Alchoolicos Anonimous. Since then he continued to cooperate with the association all his life helping many many people to heal from the desease. He used to say that once victim of alchool you are always at risk and you can fall again any time, but he never drank again. On the contrary he dedicated himself to fight all form of addictions and cooperated as a voluntary with psichiatrists and associations till the end.
For his problem he couldn’t have a formal education like others and he suffered for that. So he studied by himself almost obsessively and reading reading about everything.
When talking to him you would be amazed of his culture. He could talk with competence about everything. Religions, philosofy, art, music…It was so pleasant to talk and stay with him.
In the video he plays the piano. And it is amazing since he never studied music. Just learned by himself…I wonder what he would have become if he could have had a regular path of achademic studies.
Paolo died in very tragic circumstances in april 2005. The people who met him will never forget his altruism, his capacity to care and understand.
I remember him with nostalgy and I miss him.

Ciao amico mio. RIP